
We are the galaxy's stalkers. We are the ones who dare to go where others don’t. The very thought of one of us on your trail, huntin you, day after day, is enough to cause even the most hardened criminal or murdere to start sleepin less and worryin more.
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What Are BountyHunters

They are the galaxy's stalkers. They are the ones who dare to go where others do not. The very thought of one of them on your trail, hounding you, hunting you, day after day, is enough to cause even the most hardened criminal or murderer to start sleeping less and worrying more. In many ways, they represent the best and the worst the Empire and the New Republic have to offer. To know them is to be intimate withal radically different life form. Human and non-Human alike, each hunter is a member of a separate and very elusive species: one that thrives on, and profits from, the crimes of others. They are the Empire's and New Republic's professional bounty hunters. They are the bearers of a traditional title spoken softly and with fearful respect. Acting as independent law enforcement officers, these solitary predators bring their own brand of justice to the darkest reaches of the galaxy. Such is the dreadful awe inspired by these determines, and sometimes desperate, individuals whole love on the fringes of the Empire and the New Republic: men and women who place their lives on the line each dat for the credits another capture will bring.
831Thu Nov 24, 2011 8:09 pm
GuardOp What you look Like!
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Bounty Hunters Info

325Thu Nov 24, 2011 8:09 pm
GuardOp What you look Like!
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Clan Rules

Before you do anything please read this now ASAP! Rules will be followed we need a clan with standers and hope and know we will make it!
23Sun May 30, 2010 6:46 pm
Guest  The Follow The Leader Act
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Applying to BountyHunters

If you read the clan Rules and Seen what We Have and Offer Please follow the Needs to join and the rules We would love to have Clan mates Who would want to have fun be a family and get into Swords
22Tue Jun 21, 2011 5:31 am
War84 Clan Web Site Register
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